3157 个柬埔寨智能厨具进口商名单:外贸邮件营销的精准挖掘!

如何使用谷歌搜索修饰符 inurl 来找客户
inurl:kitchenware cambodia
inurl:smart kitchenware cambodia
•中文解释:查找网址中包含“smart kitchenware”(智能厨房用具)和“cambodia”(柬埔寨)的网页,更有针对性地寻找柬埔寨的智能厨具相关公司。
inurl:intelligent kitchenware cambodia
•中文解释:查找网址中包含“intelligent kitchenware”(智能厨房用具)和“cambodia”(柬埔寨)的网页,同样是为了找到柬埔寨的智能厨具相关公司。
如何使用谷歌搜索修饰符 intitle 来找客户
intitle:"smart kitchenware" site:kh
•解释:这个指令的意思是在柬埔寨(.kh 是柬埔寨的顶级域名)的网站中搜索标题中包含“smart kitchenware”(智能厨具)的内容。
intitle:"Cambodia smart kitchenware" site:com
•解释:在全球以.com 为后缀的网站中搜索标题含有“Cambodia smartkitchenware”(柬埔寨智能厨具)的内容。
intitle:"import smart kitchenware Cambodia" site:org
•解释:在以.org 为后缀的网站中搜索标题含有“import smart kitchenwareCambodia”(进口柬埔寨智能厨具)的内容。
客户开发信 Email 模板
主题:智能厨具 – 开启柬埔寨厨房新体验
Dear [Recipient’s Name],
I hope this email finds you well.
We are excited to introduce our range of intelligent kitchen appliances that are
set to revolutionize the way you cook and manage your kitchen in Cambodia.
[Describe the features and benefits of the smart kitchen appliances.]
Our products are designed with the latest technology to make your cooking
experience easier, more efficient, and enjoyable.
If you are interested in learning more about our products or would like to place
an order, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]
[Contact Information]

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